Teeth whitening is one of the most requested treatments by dental patients worldwide for a simple reason: the appearance of the smile improves immediately.

So important is white teeth, that major social media apps have already included filters that magically whiten teeth, but that’s just a fantasy, and the true impact of a sparkling smile can be seen in person.

In this post, we will try to answer a number of patient concerns about teeth whitening. 

When is it pertinent to have teeth whitening?

This question is important because not everyone can come to a dental office and ask for a whitening; to obtain it, you must first have a healthy mouth.

Once the oral health problems are solved, then we can talk about getting whiter teeth and doing the procedure when the patient can.

What is the teeth whitening procedure?

At HQ Dontics, we offer various options for smile whitening; all approved and tested by the dental industry. But let’s review some of the best-known at a general level. 

One of them is gel treatment at home. It consists of the manufacture of molds of the exact size of the patient’s mouth that the patient will use at home after placing a gel. This must be approved by the dentist and requires between 7 and 14 days.

Another method is photoactivation. Unlike the first, it is done in the dental clinic. It consists of applying a layer of whitening gel and then proceeding to expose each tooth to LED or laser light until whitening is obtained in a few minutes and not in days.

Sometimes it is recommended to carry out a second photoactivation session after two weeks, but it will always be the dentist who indicates it.

There is also individual whitening of non-vital teeth, which are those with an affected dental nerve due to trauma or endodontics. In these cases, bleaching is done by introducing the bleach through the nerve canal.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

Tooth whitening often causes mild to moderate tooth sensitivity. But this yields between 24 and 48 hours. Sensitivity depends on the patients, some if they have and others do not feel any sensitivity. 

How long does an LED or laser session last?

Sessions with LED or laser lights last approximately one hour.

How many sessions are needed to whiten teeth?

If done with LED lights, the procedure will always consist of four 15-minute sessions on the same day for a total of one hour. If done with gel at home, it can be 30 minutes daily or overnight for 7-14 days. 

The shade of white will be the natural color of the patient, that is: what the enamel allows for whitening. It will never be an exaggerated tone.

Is it true that you can’t smoke after whitening?

Yes, it’s correct. Tobacco considerably affects the whitening work carried out. 

Smoking is one of the fastest-staining products, and although many of the stains it produces are reversible, it will be much more difficult to remove them if you don’t quit smoking — or at least cut down on tobacco considerably — after whitening. We recommend not smoking for the first 48 hours after whitening.

Does bleaching damage enamel? 

If teeth whitening is done in a dental office with expert professionals, there is no danger of damaging the enamel.

At this point, it is very important to be careful with the miraculous products that are sold on the Internet, which can affect tooth enamel or simply not work.

How often should whitening be done?

Depending on the patient’s diet, this procedure can be performed once a year with LED light.

Tips to keep teeth whitening

  • Whitening toothpaste will not help maintain the effect. Replace it with one with fluoride. In any case, some ingredients in whitening toothpaste prevent the formation of surface stains.
  • Don’t smoke or at least cut down on tobacco considerably.
  • Do not use products with chlorhexidine.
  • Take a white diet after the intervention. No coffee, red wine, or foods with dyes for at least the next 48 hours. 

If you want a bright white smilewrite to us! At HQ Dontics, we are experts in creating spectacular smiles.