Dental implants have replaced missing teeth since about 2,000 BC, when the Chinese began to use small pieces of bamboo to return the functions to the bite.

Then the Egyptians came up with the idea of molding precious metals and nailing them permanently into jaws, and the practice made its way to Europe via the Greeks and Romans and then spread throughout the world.

Currently, implants are fixed in the bone and are the same as teeth. That represents a huge advance in both functions and aesthetics compared to what had been seen so far throughout history.

But despite such advances, it is still common to see people with gaps between their teeth. The worst thing is that many times this is due to simple misinformation.

Given this reality, at HQ Dontics, we have decided to publish this article in which we will explore the main lies about dental implants, and we will tell the truth about each point.

Prejudices about dental implants

With this information, we seek to eliminate fear and motivate those who need dental prostheses to take the first step of visiting the dentist…

Implants are stronger than teeth

Fake. This idea is generalized because of the strong materials that specialists use in implants (almost always zirconium or titanium). But no one should forget that they are still external elements to the body.

Natural teeth are so well attached to the jaw that they are often stronger than any material under healthy bite conditions.

If there is no bone or space, the prosthesis cannot be placed

It isn’t true. If there is no bone or space, prior procedures are considered in order to successfully place the implant. For example, bone grafts, sinus lifts, and orthodontics, among others…

Implants are for life

Yes and no. The normal thing is that a dental implant lasts between 15 and 25 years, and the decade of difference has to do with the habits of the patients.

People who smoke, or suffer from some health problems such as diabetes, are likely to give these pieces the minimum useful life. The same goes for those who do not have proper oral hygiene.

Implants are for the elderly

What if a young person loses a tooth? The space needs to be covered. Dental implants are for those who need them.

The only limitation is that patients must be physically adults, that is: have completed all their bone development.

Surely you will have more doubts about it. So we invite you to contact us and schedule an appointment so that your dental implant becomes a reality and not just a possibility.

Write us! We are specialists in restoring the functions and aesthetics of your smile!