Prosthodontics pertains to a branch of dentistry specializing in oral function and appearance with long term results. 

The word Prostho means “replacing” and Dontics means “dealing with teeth”. Prosthodontists replace missing teeth and restore defective teeth with the purpose to bring back harmony among the functions of chewing, swallowing, speaking, and the relationship between the bite and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

They also received advanced training in the fabrication of dental prosthesis to improve their longevity and esthetics. 

Prosthodontists specialize in procedures such as crowns, bridges, implants, and different types of dentures

General dentists usually refer complex cases to prosthodontists. For example, when multiple teeth are missing or are badly damaged and they are in need of a partial or full mouth reconstruction. 

Prosthodontics is your best option when:

Complex cases are usually treated by more than one specialist. Prosthodontists work hand in hand with oral maxillofacial surgeons and periodontists. 

During a comprehensive exam with a prosthodontist, you can expect to receive a customized treatment, sometimes with multiple options. 

Prosthodontists make their diagnoses and plan based on patient’s individual needs and lifestyle habits. Conversations about the planned treatment usually involve key points based on advantages, disadvantages, prognosis, risks, and time involved.