Although the standard applied by many dentists, patients, and insurance companies indicates that it is correct to receive a dental cleaning every 6 months, the reality is that this varies according to the characteristics of each case.

At HQ Dontics, we believe that it is responsible to clarify that there are patients who should have their teeth cleaned more frequently and that each person has unique conditions that must be observed by the specialist to make a decision.

For this reason, and for the reasons that we will explain in detail below, it is convenient that you ask your dentist how many dental cleanings you need per year according to your case.

The following risk groups are those that the practice of dentistry has allowed us to identify over time. 

A dental cleaning every 6 months

This standard exists because tooth decay and gum disease take about 6 months to develop in most patients.

Especially those who have suffered from one of these two conditions in the last 5 years must be rigorous with their visits to the dentist and with cleanings twice a year.

A dental cleaning every 3 months

When a patient has been diagnosed with periodontal disease in the past and is at risk of suffering from it again, the dentist may indicate a dental cleaning every three months, although it can also be every four according to his consideration. 

This can also apply to those who do not have good dental hygiene and are unable to reduce plaque build-up by brushing and flossing at home. But it will always be the specialist who evaluates and makes his recommendations.

What if the patient hasn’t had a cleaning in years?

When a patient has not had a dental cleaning for several years, at HQ Dontics we do an intermediate cleaning and then make an appointment six weeks later to evaluate the conditions of the gums and make a decision.

Now the question is: Since when do you not receive a dental cleaning? Write us! At HQ Dontics, we are waiting for you…